PDF BookCatalogue of the printed books in the Royal Asiatic society library and third report of the Oriental translation committee

Get Catalogue of the printed books in the Royal Asiatic society library and third report of the Oriental translation committee

Get Catalogue of the printed books in the Royal Asiatic society library and third report of the Oriental translation committee

Get Catalogue of the printed books in the Royal Asiatic society library and third report of the Oriental translation committee

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Get Catalogue of the printed books in the Royal Asiatic society library and third report of the Oriental translation committee

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1830 Excerpt: ..."Vol. I. 8vo. 1798. Calcutta. 1311. Singhalese Tracts. 8vo. 1. An Introduction to Reading in Singhalese and English, by James Chater. Part I. 1821. Colombo. 2. A Vocabulary of Colloquial Singhalese. 1825. Cotta. 3. A Singhalese Grammar.--Part I. Accidence: Part II. Syntax. 1825. Cotta. 4. The Gospel of St. Matthew, in Singhalese. 1312. The Annals of Oriental Literature. Vol. I. 8vo. 1825. London. 1313. Autographie Georgienne, lithog. par Brosset jeune. 8vo. 1829. Paris. 1314. Magazin Asiatique, ou Revue Geographique et Historique de l'Asie Centrale et Sep tentrionale, par M. J. Klaproth. 2 tom. en 1. 8vo. 1825-6. Paris. 1315. Bengalese Tracts. 8vo. 1. Stewart's Oopodes Cotha, or Moral Tales of History. 1820. Calcutta. 2. Pleasing Tales for Young Persons. 1825. Calcutta. 3. Elements of Natural Philosophy and Natural History, in a Series of Dialogues, by W. Yates. 1825. Calcutta. 4. A Grammar of the English Language, for the use of Natives of Bengal, by J. D. Pearson. 1820. Calcutta. 1316. Weston's Works. 3 vols. 8vo. Vol. I. 1. The Conquest of the Miao Tse, an Imperial Poem, by Kien Lung, translated by S. W. 1810. London. 2. Persian Distichs from various Authors. 1814. London. 3. Episodes from the Shah Nameh. 1815. London. 1317. Vol. II. 1. Remains of Arabic in the Spanish and Portuguese Languages. 1810. London. 2. Persian Recreations, or New Tales. 1812. London. 3. A Supplement to the German Grammar, for the Use of Students. 1829. London. 1318. Vol. III. 1. Enchiridion Romae, or Manual of Detached Remarks on the Buildings, Pictures, Statues, Inscriptions, c. of Ancient and Modern Rome. 1819. London. 2. Annotations on certain Passages of the Psalms, with Hebrew and Greek Titles. 1824. London. 3. Andate e Vedete; Appendix to the Enchiridion Romae. 1... Reference library - Islamic Manuscripts (NL) Articles in journals or periodical publications: Mona Abaza 'Intellectuals Power and Islam in Malaysia: S.N. al-Attas or the Beacon on the Crest of a Hill' in: ... Henry Sotheran's 'the earliest detailed account of any part of black africa by an englishman' JOBSON Richard. Discovery of River Gambra (1623) ... Edited with Additional Material ... The Wayfarers Bookshop 2. [ADDRESS CALENDAR RUSSIAN EMPIRE] Mesiatsoslov s Rospisju chinovnykh osob v gosudarstve na leto ot Rozhdestva Christova 1802 [Calendar for the Year 1802 after ... Loot.co.za: Sitemap 9788023982121 8023982125 Metanoia - Meditaions on a Dream Sequence Tom Lesley 6009143342200 Certifiable - DVD/CD Police 9780415420747 0415420741 Toni Morrison ... Browse By Title: A - Project Gutenberg Aamun miehi: Historiallinen kuvaelma (Finnish) by Wilkuna Kysti. Aan de kust van Malabar De Aarde en haar Volken 1909 (Dutch) by Deschamps mile Search Results The Online Books Page The Abu Habba Cylinder of Nabuna'id (V Rawlinson Pl. 64) (inscription in Akkadian notes in English; Leiden: Late E. J. Brill 1905) by King of Babylonia Nabonidus ... Browse By Author: W - Project Gutenberg Texts and audio books available online at Project Gutenberg. Literature to 1850 - Historical Autographs Catalog BELSHAM William. 3215 Autograph Letter Signed to Mr.Phillips of Black Friars his publisher discussing details in the reprinting of his Memoirs of the ... John Herschel Correspondence - Adler Planetarium Bibliographies Works by John Herschel. APPENDIX I. Bibliography of Publications BY John Herschel . Prefatory Statement. The sources for this bibliography (an earlier ... Loot.co.za: Sitemap 9780441788217 0441788211 Strange / Uncanny Unknown 9781402084263 1402084269 Education Research Meets the "Gold Standard" - International Perspectives and Gold ...
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